Seriously,life here is fun.I've got some interesting lecturers,a real good roommate who likes to sing,and a bunch of crazily fun coursemates.See now..Pei Vian--that's my roommate.She's a nice girl.=)Catherine--friend of Pei Vian's.nice funny girl.Henry--friend of Catherine."BALLOON" omg..xpMing Yi,Shan Wei,Man Yee--AMCians at INTI!!^^Connie--my mate from Ipoh too.^^ always get sooo excited about "something".xDYin Yee--my sweet cute coursemate from Kajang. Prue--we're trying to "matchmake" her with Dinesh.xDSally--quite quiet.hmmmm..Mallory--the teddy bear~cuteness.hahaha.Anithra--the only Indian girl here.Always alone one.aww =(Siao Hui--interesting girl.Edence--study freak!!omg..always go library one..(no offence ya =>)JJ--the troublemaker.Dinesh--our ji mui!!haha..Huai Ern--this world is small.cos he's a saxophonist from Nan Hwa Band!!omg!!Chong Kim--this guy got so many friends lar~Sky/Kok Ching--the FISHBALL!Jia Khang--a bit quiet one..Ivan--our class monitor for many guy from interesting one.nice,friendly,funny,not to mention good-looking.=)A drawing done by John Little to Sky a.k.a. Fishball.
I went for Qing Ming and then my sis's bf's house during the weekend,and I can't believe how much I miss the whole lot of them,even though I've only known them for one week.T_T
It's my first day of class folks.I woke up at 8something,clean up,and walked to the learning block,found my classroom,and stood outside.Suddenly,someone came up and said there's NO CLASS for us today.We walked to the Pre-U Office to ask,and they say today is our first day,lab class not started yet..blablabla..and WE'RE FREE FOR THE WHOLE DAY.whoots^^We(my coursemates and I) walked around for a while,and returned to our rooms.So here I am,blogging.muahahahaha~
If you think that my relationship with him is so fragile that some words from a third party will break us apart,then you're sorely wrong.Hasn't SOMEONE told me that for 3 years and yet i'm still with him?你们知不知道,你们对我说的话,让我更有那个欲望和冲劲要证明给你们看,我们的关系是多么坚固的吗?If you're so damned sure that our relationship won't work out and we'll break up,just let me learn that damned lesson MYSELF.i won't learn if you keep telling me to break beforehand.i might even have that regret my whole life.你时常把我给保护得们就是好好的,所以我才什么都学不到!不要误会,我是非常感激,但。。你看我现在,什么都不敢做,一直依赖人家。。。我超级不喜欢这样的自己!说分就分,你真的以为有这么容易??请你不要小看我们的感情。“他又不是说很帅那种啦。。又不是很聪明。。如果聪明你还说可以抓住他。。。”你把我当什么了??i do NOT love him because of his looks,or his brains,okay??!And PLEASE,DO NOT CRITICIZE HIM.i do NOT like it ONE BIT.